What do you envision when you see your child as an adult? Who is your audience when you parent? When you need help parenting, where do you turn? Parenting requires great time and energy. Having a vision for your child’s future is inspiring! That vision is not about what job they will have or how much money they will make. Instead, it is the vision of what type of person your child will be as an adult. This vision will encourage you to invest in the long-term good of your child, even when you’re weary. Join us as we learn together about staying the course and doing the “harder right” to benefit your child’s future.
Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciplers for their kids, and as believers, we desperately want to do well at that calling....
Mom and Dad, it’s not your fault. Today’s children are missing a natural, healthy element seen in cultures across the world: a rite of...
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